Diagram showing the condition and capacity of transportation available in Dubai.
What fuel it uses for transporting.
And also the condition of surface that is the most proper for each vehicle.
How a person could interchange
between two vehicle.
And how these two could move in relation to each other.
Possibility of program that existing within shopping mall, and alternatives.
Some programs that could possibly fit within moving vehicle (train), and the smaller vehicle that transfer people to a train.
Looking into the 'Drive-thru' availability
and program in the train station.
Come to this phase where every taxonomy will be put in rigid grid of 1:200
each grid = 1 x 1 m. = approx. area for one person.
Some cars need specific turning angle. The actual size is quite large, so i put it in 1:2000 instead.
And Finally, this is the catalogue of different vehicle that will be existing within my design project.
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