Friday, October 19, 2012

5.2 Site UAE : Saadiyat Island's Cultural District

5.2.1 Area/ 5.2.2 Entraces and Exits

The above diagram describes and demonstrates Abu Dhabi and Saadiyat Island's Cultural District as a feasible and extremely interesting sit suitable for the exploration into the concept of surrealism. The large map shows the Saadiyat's Island as a site in relation to other well established island such as Abu Dhabi's Island. It's also accompanied with a more zoom out map of the site in relation to the Abu Dhabi at large. Then, we zoom in to the site where it marks by 4 buildings which will were designed by 4 Pritzer Prize Winners architects including Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Norman Foster and Zaha hadid. The zoom in site map demonstrates the feasibility study of the scale of the site which is in a walkable distant from one anthers and a trapezoidal of build able area is. shown. Now, all the entrances and exits are being identified 
from within these 4 major architecture icons.

5.2.4 Surface Analysis Existing Building Types
The diagram depicts Saadiyat's Island urban fabric through urban developments which are distinguished into 7 sub districts which each of the district has distinct types of developments as well as costumers. Each districts has its own driver which described in adjective words categorized by each of the districts. It's also demontrates 4 main entrances and exits while analyzing the architectural style of each buildings which will be the main entrances/exists to this underground shopping mall.  Each buildings are identified with 1 programs that will served as an entrance point which also going to carry down part of the program to the underground shopping mall as a tradition space between the mall and these points of entrance. Not only to bring down the programs but also to make blend using the architects' norm of building. Therefore each Pritzer Prize winners past projects are had been studied to extract their norms of building and to use them as a tool for making transition. Existing People and Social Groups both at the site, in UAE at large and globally through tourism

This diagram illustrates mainly the demography of the targeted costumers to each of the Saadiyat's Island sub districts through different drivers described by adjective words. Also it's also explore the demography at larger scale through out Adu Dhabi and as well as global wise through tourism.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Nott. looking good as previously mentioned. But where is the Commercial Report? And examples of Axo's for the taxonomy? Please update.
