Friday, October 19, 2012

Commercial Pragmatism

Shops and Revenue
- Accessory
- Gifts&Craft
- Health&Beauty
- Furnish
- Grocery
- Electronics

- Car Park
- Banks
- Toilet
- Security
- Information
- Pray room 
- Maid room
- Plant room
- Electic control room

- Cinemas
- Bowling
- Ice skating
- Ski
- Karaoke
- Simulator
- Arcade
- Themepark
- Haunted house
- Games
- Kidzania
- Extreme sports


Other Source of Income
- Parking charges
- Advertising on walls and brochures
- Kiosk space  rental

The main customer will be the expats working in Dubai and since the area is the business district, the area are made up of expatriates.

1 comment:

  1. Major graphic upgrade on the last plate! looks very professional. More like a boutique developers catalogue than an architect. I like it. But not all plates can look like that. The first plate for instance, the most important thing on that page is the drawing, and it drowns in the blue background, not good... Its more like a book layout. (and not't say races). But you are missing your taxonomies. Please upload and example asap. And commercial report is limited... And step up the work speed Poom.
